Look Great, Feel Great
Fillers are injected into your soft tissue to help fill facial wrinkles, give your complexion more volume, and otherwise modify the features of your face. They are an effective tool when you are looking to combat the effects of aging on your skin. Book your initial consultation with the experienced team at Rejuvenation Medi-Spa in either Prince Frederick or La Plata, Maryland now.

Bellafill is one of the best fillers available today. It can help treat everything from smile lines to acne scars and is extremely effective. It is the only long-term solution for acne scars that is approved by the FDA. You can be sure that you are getting the best results for your skin and the most value for your money. An added benefit of this filler is that it is approved to help smooth smile lines for up to five years. You can’t go wrong with this high-quality product that we have readily available at Rejuvenation Medi-Spa!

Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers can do a lot to help your complexion and preserve your skin. They can also be a great tool if you are looking to make some slight changes to your look. Some of the benefits include:
Minimal Risk
Nearly-Immediate Results
Compatible with Other Treatments
Long-Lasting Results
Mend Acne Scars
Their Effects Are Subtle
Zero Recovery Time
They Help Build Confidence
And More
Dermal fillers help to make a difference in many peoples’ lives by giving them the chance to improve their skin in a healthy way. Try them for yourself at Rejuvenation Medi-Spa.

Our Qualified Team
We’ve been in the medical spa business since 2005 and started with the objective of helping our clients look and feel their best. Our experienced employees have the experience to ensure that your filler treatment goes smoothly and looks great. We also adhere to the highest safety standards. You can be sure that you are in good hands whether you are getting dermal fillers, chemical peels, laser treatment, or any one of the other numerous treatments that we offer.

Look and Feel Your Best
Let’s face it — we all age. As we get older, our skin will inevitably start to show that fact. Crows feet, smile lines, and acne scars are just a few of the telltale signs that can affect your facial features in a way that might negatively impact your confidence. They have also been historically difficult to repair. Fortunately, advancements in medicine and skincare have made it easier and safer to return your complexion to its former glory (or leave you looking better than you ever have)! Our medical spa can help you get your confidence back with the use of dermal fillers. You will be happy with our service, safety, attention to detail, and your ultimate results.
We firmly believe that when you look your best, you also feel your best. Our fillers can help bring you confidence, as well as preserve and even enhance your radiant look. Experience the difference for yourself. A new you awaits — book your consultation with the team at Rejuvenation Medi-Spa today!